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Israel Unhinged Over Special Rapporteur’s ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’

March 27, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Israeli government, predictably, has gone ballistic over the report “Anatomy of a Genocide” delivered March 26 by Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967. Reading from her report before the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Albanese asserted that Israel’s assault on Gaza “reveals an intent to physically destroy Palestinians as a group,” and concluded there are “reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met.”

The Times of Israel began its coverage yesterday with the charge that Albanese has “a history of anti-Semitic remarks,” although went on to accurately quote from her report before publishing a series of Israeli attacks on her. The Israelis are sparing no amount of vitriol on this courageous human rights lawyer who has said she won’t be cowed by threats.

ToI quotes Israel’s diplomatic mission in Geneva charging that her report “brings shame” on the Human Rights Council and accusing Albanese of waging a “campaign of delegitimizing the very creation and existence of the State of Israel.” It claimed that she has led an “unabated” campaign, “excusing and legitimizing the attacks of October 7, dismissing their anti-Semitic nature and dismissing any concrete evidence of acts of savagery that were perpetrated on that day.” Her report is an “obscene inversion of reality,” the mission charged.

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