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Israel's Ben-Gvir Advances Religious Confrontation Over Al-Aqsa Mosque

אלון נוריאל :Credit

March 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—EIR exposed yesterday the dangerous “Red Heifer” provocation presently in preparation, aimed at the destruction of the Islamic holy site in Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In particular, the last ten days of Ramadan, from March 30 to April 8, was specified as the window when the provocateurs of the “Temple Mount” operation indicate that the provocation—the slaughter and burning of a pure red cow on the Mount of Olives—first can be carried out. (It depends, supposedly, upon their calculations as to the proper age of the cows they have raised for the purpose.)

Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir just filed for special permission for his provocateurs to go onto the Al-Aqsa Mosque grounds for just these last ten days of Ramadan, according to today’s Times of Israel. They explain why the request is out of the ordinary: “Although Jewish visitation to the holy site is permitted in the first 20 days of the Muslim month of fasting, it is usually shut down completely during the last 10 days since that is when the Laylat al-Qadr falls—the holiest night of the year in Islam, which as such is considered to be particularly sensitive in terms of security concerns.” But the coverage fails to explain why Ben-Gvir would choose now to make such a unique request.

Ben-Gvir has led several provocations over the years onto what Jewish fanatics designate as the “Temple Mount,” but never with the immediate threat that rebuilding the Third Temple on the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is to be initiated. His office reports that senior security officials are examining his request.

Ben-Gvir is the head of the Otzma Yehudit ("Jewish Power") party, whose part-time media advisor, Dr. Melissa Jane Kronfeld, leads daily “ascensions” up the Temple Mount, to provoke the Muslims there. She appears in the March 2 CBS News story on the “Red Heifer” provocation “The Unlikely Role Red Cows Play in War between Israel and Hamas,” in which she casually explains that the Al-Aqsa Mosque simply “has to go.” When asked if that wouldn’t provoke a religious war, she simply explains it is not a problem, as we’re already in a war.