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Jacques Baud Tells Interviewer, Europe Is Ruled by Fanatics

March 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—On 3 March 2024, Swiss intelligence expert Jaques Baud gave the German Overton Magazin a 45-minute interview on the Ukraine crisis, which now has 48,000 views.

Baud estimates that 50,000 Russian soldiers have died since the war began two years ago, while 500,000 have died on the Ukrainian side—ten times as many! The following remarks show his despair about the Western political elite: “The problem is that in the West it is difficult to distinguish between political thought and racism. … The hatred that people had for the Soviets in the Second World War has been transformed into hatred for the Russians.” He continued, including himself as among the Cold Warriors: “In the Cold War, we were not fighting the Russians, but the Soviets; the problem was not Russia, but communism!”

The majority of Ukrainian refugees had not fled to the West, but to Russia; Ukraine would therefore soon run out of soldiers. Furthermore, the West has not defined a clear and achievable war aim, apart from weakening Russia, reducing the goal to an aimless action, which is why no new recruits are gained.

It has also long been clear that Putin’s goal is not the occupation of Ukraine, let alone the re-establishment of the Soviet empire. However, the Western narrative must exaggerate alleged Russian war aims, including a so-called nuclear threat, in order to further convince Western citizens of the need to supply arms and financial support for Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson’s Feb. 9 interview with Putin brought up two interesting new aspects: the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Kiev area in March 2022 was not only at the request of Zelenskyy, but also at the request of France and Germany; and the war goal of denazification was not only included in the negotiation catalogue by Putin, but also by Zelenskyy himself!

Toward the end of the interview, Baud addresses the irrationality of Western governments—especially Germany: “I regard the German government as fanatics, as extremists!” and “technically speaking, the German government (including the Foreign Minister) acts like a dictatorship.” This leads him to the conclusion: “My analysis of how Germany is run—it’s totally irrational, it [makes] no sense at all!” He fears that the German and European leadership will find it difficult to leave this irrational and fanatical path again, because it had reverted to it before the Enlightenment, in which the emotional governance of God’s grace was replaced by sober and scientifically analyzing governance. Some time ago, people were still talking about the rule of law, but now only about the rules-based order.