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LaRouche Independent Diane Sare, Jose Vega, and Other Activists Intervene Against Three Presidents at New York City Fundraiser

March 29, 2024 (EIRNS)—On Thursday, March 28, LaRouche Independent for U.S. Senate from New York Diane Sare intervened at a fundraiser for President Joe Biden at Radio City Music Hall. The event featured two former Presidents, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who joined Biden before an audience of at least 5,000 people. Comedian Stephen Colbert interviewed the three Presidents, with musical performances by Queen Latifah, Bruce Springsteen, Lea Michele, and others.

During the event, Diane Sare, who was in the orchestra section, proceeded to run up to the front of the hall, holding up a sign reading, “War Pigs All,” while blowing on a security whistle to disrupt the speakers. She was quickly removed by security, who stole her banner. A short video of the candidate can be viewed on the social media platform X, which shows her being removed by security, while saying, “We’re going to have a nuclear war with Russia! You are all out of your minds.” The video was posted by Shawn McCreesh, a writer for New York Magazine. So far, the post has accumulated 709,000 views, 4,900 likes, and 1,200 retweets.

Diane Sare’s intervention has been covered by two major Italian newspapers: Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica. Another independent news outlet, Common Dreams, while not covering Sare’s intervention, reported on several interruptions from pro-Palestinian activists, descendants of Holocaust survivors, and other youth in the audience organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and other advocacy groups.

One protester, speaking from the balcony, interrupted the Presidents, “You are all complicit in genocide!” Another activist yelled, “Palestinians are dying because of your actions. ... Blood is on your hands!”

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