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France’s Le Pen Counters Macron: We Should Bring Ukraine to Negotiations

Marine Le Pen. Credit: Marine Le Pen X page

March 21, 2024 (EIRNS)—The leader of the France’s National Rally (Rassemblement National) party, Marine Le Pen, told the BFM TV broadcaster yesterday that “France’s vital interests are not in question” in Ukraine, reported RT. Le Pen suggested that Russia does not pose a threat to European nations and that “the only way to help Ukraine is to give it the means to enter into negotiations.” Of note, Le Pen’s statement comes at a time when French President Emmanuel Macron has made saber-rattling threats to put French boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Le Pen accused Macron of “playing politics with war,” suggesting that Macron might not be fully aware of what is going on on the battlefield in Ukraine. She also said Moscow was unlikely to attack European countries, as it “does not have the military means to engage in a territorial war with the whole” of the continent.

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