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Leader of Polish Truckers’ Protest Becomes Target of Ukrainian Molfar Hitlist

March 8, 2024 (EIRNS)—Rafal Mekler, a leader of the Polish trucker blockade against Ukrainian wheat and a member of the Konfederacja Party, saw names of his wife and children, along with his name and his address published on the new Ukrainian hitlist, Molfar, a cyber data collection Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) group. Molfar also uses hackers, and works with the Ukrainian Presidency’s hitlist, Center for Countering Disinformation, as well as the Kiev regime’s intelligence services and military to target “enemies of Ukraine.” Molfar is financed by the State Department’s USAID and other Western agencies, and has its corporate headquarters in London. Molfar sent Meklar’s profile to Polish media, accusing him of being a Russian agent.

In a statement quoted by TV MN, Mekler said: “The political activity that I or other politicians conduct is my exclusive domain. Including the family as an element of pressure is a terrorist move. Such an action was committed by the Ukrainian Molfar Agency by sending e-mails to the main Polish media with my profile.”

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