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Macron Backpedals Slightly on Sending NATO Troops to Ukraine

March 5, 2024 (EIRNS)—French President Emmanuel Macron reportedly backpedaled ever so slightly from his comment last week that France could send troops to Ukraine. TASS reports that when asked to comment on the international response to his statements during the Feb. 26 conference in Paris with some 20 countries on Ukraine, the French leader said, “Answering a question about sending troops, I said that nothing is ruled out.”

Macron said in a March 4 interview with Czech newspaper Pravo, “It doesn’t mean that we are planning to deploy French forces to Ukraine in the near future. It means that we are opening a discussion and are mulling over everything that can be done to support Ukraine, first of all, Ukraine’s territory.”

He added, “Besides, I have always been clear about our red lines: we are not fighting against the Russian people and reject the logic of escalation,” which is a classic variant of Tony Blair’s RtP—responsibility to protect “the people.”