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March 23, 2024 (EIRNS)—According to a recent survey, Israeli-imprisoned leader of the Palestinian Fatah organization, Marwan Barghouti, is predicted to triumph over Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas. According to Israel’s Ynet news agency, the survey was conducted in the West Bank and Gaza simulating an election. Although it’s questionable how anything resembling a valid poll could be conducted under current war conditions, it’s of note that some circles in Israel have chosen to draw attention to Barghouti’s popularity—which is otherwise a well-known fact.

Barghouti won the majority of the poll with around 40% of the projected vote, compared to Haniyeh’s 23% and President Abbas’s 8%. If the contest did not include Barghouti, Haniyeh would receive 37% and Abbas only 11%. In a Haniyeh and Barghouti race, Barghouti would triumph with 42% versus Haniyeh’s 26%. The survey showed strong support for Barghouti in both the West Bank and Gaza.

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