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Mission of Palestine in Denmark's Report on the Ambassador's Meeting with Schiller Institute Representatives

COPENHAGEN, March 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—Today, the Mission of Palestine in Denmark posted the following report of the March 4 meeting between Ambassador Dr. Manuel Hassassian and Schiller Institute President Tom Gillesberg and Vice President Michelle Rasmussen, on their Facebook page. The report ends with a link to the Schiller Institute’s Oasis Plan video with Arabic subtitles.

Ambassador Manuel Hassassian has had a distinguished career in the academic and diplomatic worlds. He was educated in international politics and conflict resolution first at the American University in Beirut, and he then earned his masters and PhD degrees at universities in Ohio, and had post-doctoral studies at Harvard. He has been the director of Bethlehem University in Palestine. He was also the chief advisor to the Palestinian foreign minister on the Jerusalem question, and participated in many peace negotiations. For the last 20 years, he has been the Palestinian ambassador to the U.K., Hungary and Denmark.

Here is an machine translation of the original Arabic from the Mission of Palestine in Denmark’s Facebook page:

“An important meeting was held on March 4, 2024 between His Excellency the Palestinian Ambassador Dr. Manuel Hassassian and the Schiller Institute, where the Institute confirmed its full commitment to provide support to the Palestinian people in light of the current aggression against the people of Gaza.

“During the meeting, His Excellency the Ambassador gave a detailed explanation of the latest developments and violations against the people of Gaza at the hands of the occupation, including genocide, systematic starvation, and forced displacement.

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