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March 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—A sharp disagreement broke out on May 26 during a meeting of the UK’s House of Commons Defense Committee, over whether or not Britain could actually fight a war with Russia. Royal Marine Lt Gen Sir Rob Magowan, Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff, told the committee that the Armed Forces would have to manage the “operational risk” that came with not having the resources he would like in future wars. According to a report in the Telegraph, this came after Grant Shapps, the Defence Secretary, told MPs that he had lobbied Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt for more money to be spent on defense in the recent budget, but that he had failed to secure an increase.

Magowan stated: “We’ve been very clear that the amount of money we’re spending on munitions at the moment ... which is significant ... does not meet, in all areas, the threats that we face. We’ve been clear that we need to spend more money, above the programme of record, on what we call integrated air missile defense.”

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