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March 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, a ship filled with 200 tons of food for Gaza’s civilians sailed from Cyprus to dock in northern Gaza, at a landing jetty built by World Central Kitchen, from materials from destroyed buildings and rubble. The Spanish aid group Open Arms is sending the food.

Also yesterday, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder announced that four US Army vessels deployed from near Newport News, Virginia, carrying equipment and supplies for the mission to build a temporary pier facility in Gaza—two months from now.

Morocco’s government proudly announced that they had flown 40 tons of humanitarian supplies for Gaza into Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, and it was allowed to be transferred to the Palestinian Red Crescent at the Kerem Shalom Crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Their foreign ministry stated: “Morocco is the first country to transport its humanitarian aid via this unprecedented land route... Morocco has always said that its relationship with Israel is intended to serve peace in the region and the interests of the Palestinians.”

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