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Putin Dialogue with World Youth Festival Participants: Unjust Debt Collection and the Rise of Fascism

Putin at the World Youth Festival.

March 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russia’s Sirius Federal Territory was the venue for this year’s World Youth Festival, held from March 1-7 with some 20,000 participants from 190 countries. In a dialogue with participants at the end of the event, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a number of exchanges of note. One of the more significant was his telling dialogue with a young student from Uganda, which we excerpt below:

“Davis Akampurira: Your Excellency, I am a former student union president in my country, and also served in various youth leadership positions in my country.… I would like you to tell us, maybe especially tell me and people of Africa, how can we work together with Russia, to see how we can solve some of the challenges that are affecting our people?... But also, if I can conclude with personal privilege, Your Excellency, I would like you to mentor me. I would like to be your son from Africa. Thank you so much.

“Vladimir Putin: What can I say to you, my son? (Laughter in the audience.) First, I would like to address you not only as a son, but also as a president because you are the president of a student union, so I will allow myself to address you as `Mr President’…

“Today’s economic world order is unjust…. Why? Because the rich countries do not want to create a system of international economic relations that will open markets for developing economies and create liberal conditions for their development and growth. Year after year, countries with developing economies try to make changes in this world economic order, but they are constantly barred at almost every step.”

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