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Russians Set Record in Voter Turnout and Also Give Putin 87% Support

March 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—President Vladimir Putin won 87.33% of the vote in the Russian Presidential election conducted over March 15-17. Most remarkable is that under conditions of war, 77.44% of eligible voters—87.1 million out of 112.5 million registered Russian voters—showed up to vote. This is considerably higher than the voter turnout in the last presidential/general elections of: Great Britain—67.3% in the 2019 national election; France—72.0% in the 2022 presidential election; and the U.S.—66.1% in the hotly contested 2020 presidential election.

Russia’s voter participation is almost universally blacked out in the Western press, which is bitter over the vote. The British-EU-U.S. press has portrayed the Russian citizen as a zombie, who has little knowledge of the world. However, the Russian citizen, on the whole, probably has a greater knowledge of the world than those living in London, Paris, or New York City. They are also Russian patriots, whom the Western press has been unable to show “the error” of their ways.

During the elections, NATO countries deployed an incursion of “Russian dissidents” from Ukraine into Russia’s Belgorod and Kursk Regions. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, they all failed, with Ukraine suffering over 1,500 casualties and the loss of equipment.

The vote for Putin in the four new Oblasts of Russia is especially revealing: in the Donetsk People’s Republic, 95.2%; in the Kherson Oblast, 88.1%; in the Lugansk People’s Republic, 94.1%; and in the Zaporozhye Oblast, 87.7%. The Republic of Crimea, which rejoined Russia in 2014, showed 93.6% for Putin. None of the Western press covered this.