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Rosatom and Burkina Faso Ink Roadmap To Cooperate on Nuclear Energy and Mining

March 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—On the sidelines of the Atomexpo International Forum, in Sirius, Russia, on March 25-26, Russia’s nuclear power company Rosatom and Burkina Faso signed a roadmap for developing cooperation on nuclear energy. “The roadmap has a certain number of components. First, it will be about the training component, the public opinion component and the infrastructure component,” Burkinabe Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries Yacouba Zabré Gouba told Sputnik Africa on the sidelines of the forum.

According to the roadmap, the construction of a nuclear power plant is planned in Burkina Faso, the minister disclosed. “The establishment of this power plant will initially help reduce the energy deficit and eventually support all sectors of Burkina Faso’s socio-economic life,” Gouba said. “We believe that Russia, with the experience it has, will be able to better support Burkina Faso towards its energy independence,” Gouba noted.

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