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Lavrov Contrasts China's Diplomatic Approach to Zelenskyy’s ‘Peace Formula’ in Izvestia Interview

March 29, 2024 (EIRNS)—In an interview with Izvestia, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made available in English translation. Sergey Lavrov said Russia would be ready to negotiate a settlement to the Ukraine conflict if its interests are respected. He added that China’s approach to mediating an agreement takes account of Russia’s interests, including lifting all sanctions against Russia, which also means those made prior to the conflict.

“On this foundation, it is necessary to come to terms on ensuring (this was the key expression) equal security for all participants in the process. This is our position,” the minister said. “It is possible to understand how to implement these principles only by taking seats at the negotiating table.”

Lavrov reiterated, “But this should be done not on the terms of the ‘peace formula’ that Zelenskyy and his bosses in Europe, London and the U.S. have long been pushing as an ultimatum. It is necessary to seriously analyze the existing security problems, accept realities on the ground and guarantee the lawful security interests of the Russian Federation. For our part, we are ready to guarantee the lawful security interests of the other participants in the process.”

Lavrov pointed out, “When China published its 12 item plan on settling the conflict in Ukraine in February 2023, we positively reacted to it. This Chinese document was based on the analysis of the reasons of the events and the need to remove them as distinct from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s diplomatically insane ‘formula.’”

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