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Russia’s U.S. Ambassador on Talks with White House: No Serious Responses

March 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russia’s Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov told TASS yesterday that by supplying arms to Ukraine, the U.S. is directly involved in the war against Russia. “Issues of supplies of American weapons to Ukraine’s east … are at the heart of every one of my exchanges with the Americans, be it in the White House or in the Department of State,” he said when commenting on the Ukrainian military using American Bradley mechanized infantry fighting vehicles to help them infiltrate the Russian border, including in the Belgorod Region. “That said, our positions principally differ. We say that supplies of such weapons in fact mean that the Americans directly participate in the military conflict, whereas the Americans sidestep this [notion], saying that they are fighting for democracy, nothing more.

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