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Russia Identifies UK as Most Deeply Involved in Ukraine War

March 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin told TASS this morning that the UK is deeply involved militarily in the war in Ukraine. “There are UK servicemen in Ukraine. The presence of special forces there, instructors who, for example, train Ukrainian military medics, has been officially confirmed. We know that these instructors also train special forces and a number of other units. It is also very clear that the launching of long-range Storm Shadow missiles necessarily requires the participation of specialists, and only the British can play this role, because this is a very sophisticated technology, and it is impossible to imagine that the Ukrainian military can operate it. Or they will have to undergo very long special training, which is unrealistic,” the ambassador said.

“Therefore, we can clearly say that the UK is deeply involved in the Ukrainian conflict, perhaps even more than the rest of the NATO member states,” Kelin pointed out.

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