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Russia Responds to Leaked German Military Tape Planning Attack on Kerch Bridge

March 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—The shocking phone call among top German military leaders planning out the details of a possible attack on Russia’s Kerch Bridge has begun to provoke reactions internationally. While Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov chose to tell reporters that the Kremlin was not yet aware of the contents of the leaked conversation, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin was far more direct, writing on his Telegram channel that the Duma would “send a demand for an investigation to the Bundestag,” reported TASS. According to Volodin, “the fact of publication of the conversation obliges the German leadership to provide an explanation … of what German decision the Bundeswehr staff was guided by while discussing the strikes at Russia.” Volodin also asked whether Bundestag lawmakers are aware of what was going on, and whether German Chancellor Olaf Scholz realizes that “these actions will require Russia to carry out reciprocal strikes.”

Scholz’s office has apparently not said anything yet. The German Defense Ministry has launched an investigation into how the leak occurred, but refuses to comment on the scandalous content of what was said. “We are checking whether communications within the Air Force were intercepted,” a spokesperson for the German Ministry of Defense told the daily Bild. “We cannot say anything about the content of the communications that were apparently intercepted.” The Federal Office for Military Counterintelligence (BAMAD) has “initiated all necessary measures,” the ministry said in response to an inquiry from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA).

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