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Russian Caution About Who Was Behind Crocus City Hall Attack

March 26, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russian authorities and experts are being quite cautious about drawing conclusions about who was behind the March 22 terror attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, particularly with respect to the Western line, that “ISIS did it.” Yesterday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that investigators have not yet arrived upon a final version of the causes of the terrorist attack. “The investigation is still underway and no specific scenarios have been announced as of yet,” he said, reported TASS. “Previous reports were preliminary and no official scenarios have been voiced as of yet.”

“We need to wait for [confirmed] information from our official law enforcement bodies,” Peskov added.

Grigory Lukyanov, a researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told TASS that the attack did not look like something that was authored by ISIS. “The way I see it, this terrorist attack gives little grounds to speculate about some unmistakable trace left by the banned terrorist organization Islamic State. At the moment, there are not enough grounds or evidence to say that the terrible terrorist act committed in Krasnogorsk was an Islamic State-masterminded plot. The perpetrators’ mode of action indicates that they have nothing to do with the IS,” Lukyanov said.

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