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Russian Defense Minister: Notion of a New Wave of Mobilization Is "Complete Stupidity"

March 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has dismissed as “complete stupidity” any suggestion that Moscow will have to launch a new wave of mobilization to meet its military manpower requirements. This was in response to a question about Putin’s recent suggestion that Moscow could be forced to create “a cordon sanitaire” in Ukraine, to ensure the safety of Russian regions that often face deadly and indiscriminate artillery and drone attacks.

RT notes that Moscow conducted a partial military call-up in September 2022. Shoigu explained at the time that additional troops were needed to “stabilize the situation, protect new territories” and hold the front line, which stretched more than 1,000 km. Since then, Russian officials have repeatedly dismissed claims of a looming new mobilization, possibly fueled by increasingly aggressive draft practices in Ukraine.

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