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Russian Media Stress Ukraine as the Lead Suspect in the Terror Attack

March 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—A number of security experts quoted in the Russian media are pointing to Ukraine as the lead suspect in the launching and coordination of the March 22 terror attack in Moscow.

Sergei Goncharov, a veteran of the elite Russian Alpha anti-terrorism unit, told Sputnik “at the moment I don’t see any factor that could take us away from the Ukrainian connection. It could have been some other organization, but I have no doubt that it was provoked by the Nazis of Ukraine.” In a separate interview with Sputnik, political and military analyst Sergey Poletaev pointed out that “the attack in Moscow could have been masterminded either by some kind of Islamist terrorist organization that has ties with Ukraine, or even by Ukraine directly.” Poletaev suggested that the West is going to insist that ISIS alone was responsible.

Seyed Mohammad Marandi, a political analyst and professor at Tehran University, reminded Sputnik that “ISIS and the Ukrainian regime both have very strong connections with the West.… ISIS has cooperated with NATO countries, it has cooperated with Israel, and it has cooperated with other American allies in Syria for years. And Ukraine is also deeply dependent on NATO countries.”

Former Special Service officer, Col. Bakhtiyer Rakhmonov (ret.) argued that

“Recruitment of the killers for the terrorist attack took place through the Ukrainian Embassy in Dushanbe [Tajikistan]. Its ambassador [Valerii Yevdokymov] is the former head of foreign intelligence, and the consulate itself, several weeks before the terrorist attack, was looking for executors, having openly published on the page of the Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan an order to hire assassins.”