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RIA Novosti Features German Gen. Kujat’s Comments on Taurus Missiles

March 21, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russia’s RIA Novosti ran a story today on the previous comments by former German Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.) on Germany’s Taurus missiles, quoting from a March 19 interview he had given to Die Weltwoche online TV. “We need to be absolutely clear: there is no miracle weapon,” Kujat said. “Not a single weapon, including the Taurus, can change the situation on the battlefield towards Ukraine in such a way that Russia finds itself in a difficult situation and is unable to achieve its goals…. Neither one of the systems can provide this.”

He said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz was correct in refusing to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Kujat went on: “Berlin will not be able to control their use…. A strike on some targets with these missiles would result in a national disaster for Germany. I hope the Chancellor will remain steadfast in his decision.”

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