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Russian State Duma Calls on Germany’s Bundestag To Avoid Direct Military Confrontation, Work for Peace

March 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—The members of the Russian State Duma yesterday issued an “Appeal to the German Bundestag in connection with German involvement in crimes committed by the Kiev regime against civilians and damage to civilian infrastructure in Russia.” At the same time, the Bundestag voted overwhelmingly to reject delivery of Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Today’s Russian Embassy newsletter from Berlin, Issue 33, published the full text. It concludes with the following three paragraphs:

“The deputies of the State Duma call on the German Bundestag to conduct an objective investigation into the involvement of Bundeswehr personnel in the fighting in Ukraine. Despite claims that military supplies to Kiev bring peace closer, it is currently Ukraine that Western political masters have turned into a shooting range drowning in blood, where NATO armies and the West’s arms industry are testing various weapons systems and military technology, and which is suffering the most damage from the aspirations of Kiev’s Western patrons to wage war against Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian.’

“In accordance with the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany of September 12, 1990, according to which only peace will emanate from German soil, and actions capable of and undertaken with the intention of disturbing the peaceful coexistence of peoples, in particular preparing for the waging of a war of aggression, are unconstitutional and punishable by law, the State Duma deputies call on the Bundestag not to allow any actions that could involve Germany in the military conflict on the side of the fascist-terrorist regime in Ukraine.

“The State Duma is convinced that successful long-term experience of Soviet-German and Russian-German arrangements and the common sense of the German people and parliamentarians representing their will can prevent the catastrophe of a direct military confrontation between Russia and Germany and bring closer the beginning of a beneficial political dialogue in the spirit of peace and prosperity in Europe.”