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Germany’s Scholz Publicly Chastised by Malaysia’s Prime Minister on Gaza

March 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—At the joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on March 11, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim provided a public lesson to Scholz, after the latter had said that Germany’s policy on Gaza does not change: Israel has the right to self-defense, the solution is the release of hostages, humanitarian aid and a two-state solution.

Scholz added in the 33-minute press conference that Germany has a special relationship with Israel and will continue it. “It is no secret that our perspective on the Middle East conflict is different from others,” Scholz said. “But that makes it all the more important to exchange views with each other. In any case, we agree that more humanitarian aid must reach Gaza. This is also our clear call to Israel, which has every right to defend itself against Hamas. We do not believe that a ground offensive on Rafah is right.”

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