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U.S. Congress Members Join in Bashing UN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese and ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’

March 29, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Israelis have plenty of allies who ha’ve joined in their attack on Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, who has boldly spoken out about Israel’s genocide against Palestinians, most recently in her report “Anatomy of a Genocide.” She had made her views known publicly well before her March 25 presentation before the Human Rights Council in Geneva, earning the enmity of a bipartisan group of U.S. Members of Congress who demanded she be removed from her position on grounds that she is anti-Semitic.

On Feb. 24, a bipartisan group of 18 Congressman addressed a letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres and to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk demanding Albanese’s ouster Nor was the letter just an attack on Albanese. It claimed that her allegedly anti-Semitic remarks were proof of “deep-seated prejudice inherent to the United Nations’ approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” It demanded she be relieved of official duties, the Commission of Inquiry into Israel be disbanded, to “work towards ameliorating the deep-seated anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias at the United Nations.” In fact, they assert, the United Nations “is riven with bias.”

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