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U.S. Maneuvers To Overthrow Peruvian President To Stop China’s Chancay Port Project

March 31, 2024 (EIRNS)—There is a buzz and excitement throughout Peru over the upcoming inauguration of the gigantic Chancay deep-water port on Peru’s Pacific coast, which is being built with heavy Chinese participation and is expected to transform the economy of the entire country and South American region. The project is 80% completed, and its grand opening is scheduled to coincide with the Nov. 10-16 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit in Lima, which will be attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping, among others. President Xi will preside over the Chancay opening, along with host Peruvian President Dina Boluarte—that is, if she is still President at that time.

The U.S. Southern Command, headed by Gen. Laura Richardson, has stated in no uncertain terms that Chancay is a beachhead of Chinese influence in South America, and as such is a threat to U.S. national security which has to be stopped at all costs. Holding the “Nord Stream solution” in reserve for now, the Southern Command, State Department, and allied forces inside Peru have opted instead to orchestrate a corruption scandal and overthrow President Boluarte.

Enter “Rolexgate.” President Boluarte was seen wearing a purportedly expensive Rolex watch at a recent state event, and after the standard press hoopla was organized, Peruvian police and the prosecutors’ office conducted an early-morning raid on her house on March 30, which was broadcast live on local television channel Latina. As BBC explained, “the investigation began after a news report drew attention to luxury watches she [Boluarte] wore at public events, dating from when she took office in December 2022…. Authorities were searching for more than a dozen Rolex watches President Boluarte had allegedly not declared.”

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