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U.S. State Department Tries To Suppress Russians from Voting in Washington

Russian embassy in Washington, DC. Credit: CC/Kent Wang

March 18, 2024 (EIRNS)—As was the case in most countries, Russian voters living abroad could go to their local Russian or consulate to cast their votes. This was also the case in Washington, D.C., where the Russian Embassy was open for voters. But efforts were taken by the U.S. State Department to prevent that from happening, according to the Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov.

In comments to TASS, Antonov said he “always respected the activities of the U.S. State Department’s secret service [referring to the Diplomatic Protective Services], whose employees in most cases ‘worked effectively’ when receiving relevant requests from Russian diplomats. I can’t say that today,” the Russian ambassador stated, remarking that the secret service “allowed blocking the entrance to the Russian Embassy and creating obstacles for Russian citizens who came to vote,” and also allowed “agitation” by provocateurs in order to make sure people didn’t go to vote.

The head of the Russian diplomatic mission emphasized that he considers the behavior of the secret service, which brushed aside the concerns of diplomats, unacceptable. “On Monday we will send a corresponding note. And at meetings, regular meetings both in the White House and in the State Department, I will undoubtedly have a few minutes to express my most severe protest regarding the security of the embassy,” Antonov declared.

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