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March 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—After yesterday’s announcement in Jamaica that a new seven-member transitional presidential council would be established in Haiti, to be followed by the naming of an interim prime minister, the process of getting it in place is fraught with uncertainty. Yesterday’s deadline for naming its 7 members passed without any names being submitted, so a new deadline was set for today. According to the Miami Herald, members of the seven groups named as participants immediately began squabbling among themselves about the size of the new presidential council and who would be in charge, among other things. Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, leader of the Viv Ansanm gang coalition, announced in a video statement March 11 that he would not recognize any government produced by the Jamaica meeting.

The U.S. hand is all over this setup. The Washington Post reported today that at the March 11 Jamaica meeting that produced the presidential council plan, Tony Blinken spent much of his time “working out who, exactly, would join the transitional council…. At one point, Blinken huddled with other leaders in a corner marking down names on a piece of scrap paper.”

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