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Finland’s New President Toys with Deploying Nuclear Weapons

March 21, 2024 (EIRNS)—Finnish authorities are reportedly discussing whether Finland, now in NATO, has the right to refuse to host the American nuclear arsenal on its territory. The new President Alexander Stubb, from the conservative National Coalition Party, is in favor, but the majority of Finns apparently are not. Will the new government take this into consideration? This is now a matter of heated debate. Finland has, in fact, an Atomic Energy Law, which clearly states that they will not have or store in the country nuclear weapons.

Stubb remains somewhat edgy on the issue. In an interview with MTV Uutiset, he said: “I don’t think that they will import or even want to place nuclear weapons on our territory on a permanent basis. However, in no case should the transport of nuclear weapons through our territory be limited in the event of a difficult situation.” In his opinion, Finland could take a “more positive” view of the idea of placing nuclear weapons on its territory, and, in general, he hopes for a “flexible” approach in this matter.

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