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Arlacchi Tells Schiller Institute, a Tit-for-Tat Dynamic Can Lead to Nuclear War

April 3, 2024 (EIRNS)—In his March 29 exclusive interview with the Schiller Institute, former director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Pino Arlacchi ruled out the intention of either NATO or Russia to go to war against each other, but “sometimes there is a dynamic of tit-for-tat that can bring you to that point,” i.e., “something that could end with annihilation of human society.”

“I don’t want to be annihilated, and with me, maybe 95% of the European population. There is a couple of percentage points of the population that wants to die that way, but I believe that most Europeans and Americans do not want to die under the atomic bomb.

“I do not see as realistic a big confrontation. Unless—and sometimes there is a dynamic of tit-for-tat that brings you gradually, even without your knowledge or your consent, to that point. But we are still quite far and I believe we must work to avoid that.”