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China Supports Speedy UN Security Council Acceptance of Palestine as Full UN Member

April 11, 2024 (EIRNS)—"China supports full UN membership for Palestine and supports speedy [UN Security] Council action to that end,” Foreign Ministry Press Spokeswoman Mao Ning replied, when asked today about UN Security Council discussions on Palestine’s formal request for full recognition.

“The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the severe humanitarian crisis it has caused are yet another reminder that the only way to end the vicious cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts is to fully implement the two-State solution, establish an independent state of Palestine, and redress the historical injustice long suffered by the Palestinians,” she argued.

Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, formally requested the UN Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s application for full UN membership which it had submitted in 2011, and to do so in April. The UNSC met on April 8 and referred the application to the Committee of Admission of New Members (made up of representatives of all UNSC members). That application is expected to be a major subject of the Ministerial-level debate on the Situation in the Mideast and the Palestinian Question scheduled for April 18. The Spanish government, for one, has made clear it intends to support that request when its Foreign Minister speaks in that debate.

US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood has already announced that the US opposes granting any recognition of Palestine as a state, at the UN or otherwise, until who-knows-when Israel and Palestine reach an overall, final status agreement.