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China's Ambassador to Russia Optimistic for Negotiated Russia-Ukraine Peace

April 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—Though sharp differences exist in the views of the parties to the Ukraine conflict, Ambassador of China to Russia Zhang Hanhui said in an interview with Izvestia April 1 that peace will ultimately be achieved through a diplomatic solution. He stressed that China intensively supports convening an international conference in which all parties would participate equally.

“Two years have passed since the Ukraine crisis escalated, and now that the fighting is dragging on, the most urgent task is to restore peace. Over the past two years, China has maintained close contacts with a number of countries, including Russia and Ukraine, to play a constructive role in resolving the crisis,” Zhang said, stressing that, “China supports the timely convening of an international peace conference with the approval of both the Russian and Ukrainian sides, with the equal participation of all parties and honest discussion of all options for a peace plan. China is willing to continue to play its unique role in promoting a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis,” he said.