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Colombia To Join South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at the ICJ

April 3, 2024 (EIRNS)—Colombia’s Foreign Ministry announced April 1 that President Gustavo Petro and Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo have decided that Colombia will join South Africa’s suit against Israel at the International Court of Justice, to thus “contribute in a tangible way to the defense of the Palestinian cause.” Instructions have been issued for a “Declaration of Intervention” as defined in Article 63 of the ICJ Statute, to be filed “in the coming days,” laying out Colombia’s legal arguments on how Israel’s military actions in Gaza violate the Convention against Genocide.

“We invite other States party to the 1948 Convention to do the same,” the Foreign Ministry statement said, acting both in solidarity with Palestine and in repudiation of Israel’s violations of this important treaty, which cannot go unpunished. “The international community cannot remain impassive when starvation is used as a method of warfare,” in violation of international law.

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