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Easter Marchers in Hamburg Encourage ‘Peace with Russia and China’

April 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—A big banner at the Hamburg rally of the Easter Marches on Sunday April 1, said: “Peace with Russia and China—Diplomats instead of Grenades” (Diplomaten statt Granaten). The event involved 2,000 peace protesters, from labor unions, numerous peace groups, and the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht party. “Return to International Law—No to NATO, Arms Race, Sanctions and Boycott” was another slogan seen on posters. The reference to Russia was expected, the one to China was a surprise, certainly related to Hamburg, where Germany’s leading seaport is a leading destination for the New Silk Road. Altogether, 120 protest events were reported by the Easter March committees in Germany. The official flier for the protest actions was signed by more than 2,000 individual activists and 71 organizations—more than in the years before, according to the organizing committees.

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