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April 18, 2024 (EIRNS)—The European Union held their heads of state and government summit in Brussels on April 17-18 and once again urged for more military aid for Ukraine. The current two-day meeting is dubbed “informal,” meaning no practical decisions will be taken. It is focusing on the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as on EU economic developments.

“The European Council underlines the need to urgently provide air defense to Ukraine and to speed up and intensify the delivery of all the necessary military assistance, including artillery ammunition and missiles,” reads their final statement. It also seeks for stepping up humanitarian aid.

The issue is expected to be presented during the April 22 meeting of EU defense and foreign ministers.

On the Middle East, the document states, “The European Council calls on Iran and its proxies to cease all attacks and urges all parties to exercise the utmost restraint and to refrain from any action that may increase tensions in the region.” It further condemned Iran’s attack on Israel and expresses what it says is full solidarity with the people of Israel, neglecting that Iran’s action was in retaliation for Israel’s April 1 attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, killing at least 7. Iran’s pre-announced its attack, thereby ensuring no one in Israel was seriously injured or killed.

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