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Extraordinary Support for Mexico against Ecuador's Raid on Its Embassy

April 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—International support for Mexico in response to the violent raid on its embassy in Quito, Ecuador April 5, on orders of Ecuador’s President Daniel Noboa, has been impressive. In a press conference today at the Mexico City airport, after greeting the 18 members of the embassy who returned home safely, Foreign Secretary Alicia Barcena announced that Mexico’s government will be filing a lawsuit tomorrow at the International Court of Justice “and then to relevant multinational regional and international fora so that, first of all, this [act] can be condemned by the entire international community.” Noboa ordered police and military forces to raid the embassy to capture former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, to whom Mexico had granted asylum.

As reported by La Opinión, Barcena thanked the many countries—18 in Ibero-America, plus Canada, the United States, the EU as a whole, as well as many international organizations, the Caribbean Community and UN Secretary General António Guterres—for their expressions of solidarity and condemnation of Ecuador. In Quito, the German, Cuban, Panamanian and Honduran ambassadors personally escorted Mexican embassy personnel to the airport to ensure their safety. Barcena said, “We frankly feel outraged, because the embassy unit and personnel were flagrantly violated,” entry to the embassy was done with “great violence” and with “great physical aggression” against Chargé d’Affaires Roberto Canseco. He was thrown to the ground by Ecuadorian police as he tried “to defend the honor of the Mexican embassy,” as he put it, and was hurt as police pushed and shoved him.

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