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Israel’s Gantz Calls for Elections in September to ‘Renew Trust’ in Government

April 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—After four days of large demonstrations of Israelis in front of the Knesset demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government, yesterday War Cabinet Minister and head of the National Unity Party Benny Gantz called for early elections to be held by September in a televised press conference. Gantz said fresh a election within months would be necessary to “maintain unity” and “renew trust” in the government. On the same night, the Likud party reaffirmed Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion that elections would be a danger to national security.

“We must agree on a date for elections in September, about a year from the war,” Gantz told reporters in the Knesset. “Setting such a date will allow us to continue the military effort, while signaling to the citizens of Israel that we will soon renew their trust in us. I believe Israeli society needs to renew its contract with its leadership and I think the only way to do it and still maintain the national effort in fighting Hamas… and other security challenges is by having an agreed election date,” Gantz told The Times of Israel, when asked to elaborate on his call. “And I hope that my political partners and friends, and maybe some rivals as well, will agree to it because I think it serves all the country and all its sectors at the same time.”

He also criticized those attacking the demonstrators, including those in the government. “I am ashamed when I hear the attitude of some of the public and elected officials towards” the families of the hostages, he said. He called on Netanyahu to “strengthen them and make sure that all coalition members treat them appropriately.”

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