April 19, 2024 (EIRNS)—Folker Hellmeyer is among the most popular economists in Germany. Chief Economist at Netfonds AG, he was Chief Analyst at Bremer Landesbank from April 2002 until the end of 2017. Prior to that appointment, he had worked for Deutsche Bank in Hamburg and London as a senior trader. He was also Chief Analyst at Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen. In an April 17 interview with PrivatInvestor TV (the video network for Max Otte’s PrivatInvestor newsletter), Hellmeyer warned that the German economy is running against the wall, and that the crash will rapidly become non-linear.
“If we in the European Union and the most important countries continue this policy approach of the last 10 years, then we will become more and more dynamically distorted, because it’s like—this is also an economic law—it’s like falling dominoes: it goes faster and faster. At the beginning it’s like a dam that only has a very small fissure, you only see a small ripple and at some point the dam flies over your head. In other words, the risk is there,” Hellmeyer told PrivatInvestor TV.