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Hungary ‘Balking’ at Stoltenberg Plans for Ukraine

April 5, 2024 (EIRNS)—Hungary, described by Politico as “the most pro-Russian NATO country,” is balking at NATO Secretary general Jens Stoltenberg’s plan to institutionalize military aid to Ukraine, with its €100 billion price tag. “Hungary will reject any proposal that would transform it into an offensive alliance as this would lead to the serious danger of escalation,” Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said before the April 3 NATO foreign ministers meeting, adding: “This isn’t Hungary’s war and it isn’t NATO’s war either.”

Szijjártó said, at a press conference yesterday, that many NATO members have run out of arms to give to Ukraine. He complained that even in this circumstance, the meeting once again focused on increasing arms deliveries to Ukraine, reported TASS. Szijjártó quoted one of his colleagues, without naming him, who said that “the aim is not to achieve peace, but to win the war.”

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