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Israel Allows More Trucks into Gaza, But US Says Still Not Enough

April 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Israelis claim to have allowed more than 300 trucks into Gaza on Sunday and another 400 yesterday, by far the highest numbers since Oct. 7. US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Sunday that the 300 was “progress” and a “good start,” but then clarified that Washington wants to see the number pass 350 in the coming days, before increasing further. The Times of Israel notes that the 322 trucks allowed in on Sunday (304 by the US count) was a record, set four days after US President Joe Biden held a tense call on the matter with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller also took note of Israel’s steps to improve humanitarian conditions, in particular the agreement to open the Erez crossing point and to allow Ashdod port to be used for aid for Gaza. He welcomed such steps, but said that the Erez crossing is not yet open and that the steps are still insufficient. “It is not just important that they take initial steps to facilitate the increase of humanitarian assistance, but that increased flow of humanitarian assistance is sustained over time. Some of those steps have been important, but they haven’t been sufficient,” he stated.

Egypt’s goal is to have over 300 trucks enter just through the one Rafah crossing. Diaa Rashwan, head of the Egyptian Information Service, said in a statement that his country had decided to increase the number of humanitarian aid trucks carrying food, medical supplies, and daily necessities in accordance with the directives of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reported Turkey’s Anadolu Agency. Rashwan neither specified the numbers of trucks currently entering Gaza through Rafah, nor whether the aid is solely from Egypt or whether some comes from other countries and entities.