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Israel Planning Rafah Checkpoints To Separate Palestinian Men from Their Families

April 30, 2024 (EIRNS)—In an exclusive, Middle East Eye reported yesterday afternoon that Israel is setting up a complex system of checkpoints that will prevent men of “military-age” from fleeing Rafah in preparation for Israel’s offensive on the southern Gaza border city, citing an unnamed senior western official familiar with Israel’s plans as its source. The checkpoints are designed to allow some women and children to leave Rafah ahead of an expected Israeli offensive, but unarmed, civilian Palestinian men will likely be separated from their families and remain trapped in Rafah during an expected Israeli assault, the source reported.

“Israel considers every male a Hamas fighter until proven otherwise,” Abbas Dahouk, a former senior military advisor at the State Department and military attache in the Middle East told Middle East Eye. “It’s not a sound move. Cordoning Rafah is a daunting task and good luck separating fathers and sons from their families.”