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Israeli Negotiators Testify Netanyahu Sabotaged Any Hostage Release

April 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—According to two frustrated members of Israel’s negotiating team, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his circle have created an atmosphere of “cold indifference” to the fate of the hostages held by Hamas, and Netanyahu himself has sabotaged the negotiations for any release, up to now. They testified last night on Israel’s Channel 12 TV investigative show “Uvda,” with their voices disguised, and names withheld. The host, Ilana Dayan, said that each of them had come forward, independently, to expose the situation.

Witness One said: “There is a massive gap between the narratives they are trying to create in the public eye and the actions in reality…. Since December, definitely since January, it has become clear to everyone that we are not negotiating.... I can’t say that without Netanyahu there would have been a deal, but I can say that without Netanyahu, the chances of making a deal would be better…. It happens again and again, we get a mandate during the day, and then the prime minister makes phone calls at night. He says, ‘Don’t say this, don’t approve that.’ This is how he gets around the heads of the negotiation team as well as the war cabinet.”

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