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Israeli Police Stop Animal Sacrifices on Temple Mount

April 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—Israel Police detained 13 Israeli youth near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount complex. According to the police statement of April 22, they were carrying lambs and goats that they intended to sacrifice in a provocative ritual. Such ritualistic slayings on the Temple Mount itself have, for years now, been the ‘gold standard’ for the zealots who seek the quickest, surest way to provoke a violent reaction amongst Muslims. The 13 Israeli youth, aged between 13-21, were all detained for questioning, while the animals were all sent to veterinarians.

The police statement explained: “The Israel Police operates in Jerusalem and across all sectors, along with other security agencies, both overtly and covertly, against any person who tries to shatter the order and act in contradiction to the law and the existing practices of Jerusalem holy sites…. We call on the public not to give a platform to extreme fingers who try to or call to violate the law and order. The existing practice on the Temple Mount and in other holy sites in Jerusalem has been preserved and will continue to be preserved at all times, and we will not allow extremists and criminals of any kind to violate it.”

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