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April 11, 2024 (EIRNS)—Today, Mexico filed an Application instituting proceedings against Ecuador before the International Court of Justice at The Hague regarding the violent attack by elite Ecuadorian police units on Mexico’s embassy in Quito on April 5. According to the ICJ press release, the application explains that the filing deals with “legal questions concerning the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means and diplomatic relations, and the inviolability of a diplomatic mission.”

The filing provides details of the April 5 attack when “[a]round 15 special operations agents” from Ecuador entered the Mexican embassy “by forcible means and without authorization.” During that incident, it adds, Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. Roberto Canseco Martínez, was “violently assaulted” and “agents then took Jorge David Glas Espinel … former Vice-President of the Republic of Ecuador, placing him inside one of the vehicles and leaving the premises.”

Mexico’s application explains that the illegal kidnapping of Mr. Glas on April 5 was preceded by continued acts of “intimidation and harassment,” which began after Glas took refuge in the Mexican embassy and requested asylum on Dec. 20, 2023, which Mexico subsequently granted.

“Ecuador has violated Mexico’s rights under customary and conventional international law, as well as fundamental principles upon which the international legal system is based,” the Mexican application asserts. Based on the violations Mexico alleges, Mexico asks the Court to award remedies including full reparation and to “suspend Ecuador as a member of the United Nations.” Mexico also requests the granting of provisional measures, including:

“a) That the Government of Ecuador takes appropriate and immediate steps to provide full protection and security of diplomatic premises, their property, and archives, preventing any form of intrusion against them.

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