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There are two gatherings in Riyadh dealing with the Gaza conflict. On April 28 there was a meeting of group formed jointly by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League. This was the so-called contact group created back in November and held meetings with the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. This week’s meeting discussed the formulation of unified strategies to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state and explore diplomatic avenues to exert pressure on Israel and its supporters, according to reports from local media.

The result of their discussion will be taken up at an upcoming summit of the OIC scheduled in Banjul on May 4. Türkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan attended the meeting, reports Hurriyet.

The other gathering is a special session of the World Economic forum where the foreign ministers of Türkiye, Jordan, Norway, Yemen and the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell as well as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will attend. A series of bilateral meetings are to take place among the foreign ministers on the sidelines of the event. Palestinian leaders are also expected to address the event.

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