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April 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—Reuters U.S.-Asia Policy correspondent David Brunnstrom published an analysis in the Japan Times today of the upcoming summit between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, scheduled for this coming week. It will also be joined by Philippines President Bongbong Marcos. Brunnstrom drools over the new military structure being constructed in Asia, an aspect of the “Asian NATO” dream of the British Empire and their assets in the U.S.

He begins with: “The United States says next week’s summit between U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will bring an ‘historic’ upgrade in defense ties between the long-time allies. On Wednesday [April 10] in Washington, the leaders are expected to discuss plans to reform the U.S. military command in Japan to make it better able to function with Japanese forces in a crisis, and to announce steps to allow more joint development, and potentially co-production, of military and defense equipment.” What is the target? “Topping the list is China’s growing military and the threat it poses to Taiwan, just over 100 kilometers from Japanese territory.”

Brunnstrom points out that Kishida has launched this effort in the context of his own effort to make Japan the primary U.S. military asset in Asia. “The current security environment is tough and complex, and we are at a turning point in history,” Kishida said in a group interview on Friday. “Cooperation between Japan and the United States and like-minded countries is a very important issue.” He notes: “The country hosts 54,000 American troops, hundreds of U.S. aircraft and Washington’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier strike group. Bases in Japan allow the United States to project military power across the region and hem in Chinese influence.”

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