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Russian Embassy Exposes U.S. Hypocrisy in Its Nuclear Space Ban Proposal

April 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Russian Embassy in Washington issued a commentary on its Telegram page today regarding the recent Russia-U.S. proposal calling for a ban on nuclear weapons deployment in space.

The commentary, according to machine translation read: “We drew attention to another batch of statements discrediting our country by representatives of the U.S. Department of Defense. This time, during a meeting with a Washington group of military observers, the Russian-Chinese initiative to conclude a treaty on the non-deployment of weapons in space was called a ‘political ploy.’

“We remind you that it is Washington, with the support of its allies, that has been blocking the development of a full-fledged legally binding international document for many years. While Russia and China have been leading global efforts for many years to prepare comprehensive measures designed to prevent the transformation of space into an arena of armed confrontation and imply a ban on the placement of weapons of any kind in outer space.

“We consider the Pentagon’s information manipulations as yet another confirmation of the United States’ attempts to use Russophobic slogans to justify its own plans for military space exploration.”

The creation of “the U.S. Space Force” during the Trump Administration was also a clear signal that the U.S. no longer considered space an area to be equally shared by all nations, but required an “enforcer” of the rules developed by the U.S. and its “allies.”