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Senators Looking To ‘Boost Deterrence’ by Expanding U.S. Nuclear Forces

April 27, 2024 (EIRNS)—A group of senators want to spend billions more on the U.S. nuclear weapons enterprise than the Biden Administration is already committed to. Senators Deb Fischer (R-NE), Angus King (I-ME), and Roger Wicker (R-MS), are sponsoring something called the Restoring American Deterrence Act, which would create a new Pentagon position to oversee deterrence policy, deploy up to 50 extra intercontinental ballistic missiles on top of the 400 already deployed, require an assessment of U.S. sites suited to host new highly enriched uranium facilities, and increase Defense Production Act grants for the industrial base.

“It’s clear that the flawed, outdated assumptions from 2010 that underpin our current strategy will not be enough to address the long-term threats we face,” Fischer told Defense News in a statement. “The Restoring American Deterrence Act is the landmark legislation our country needs to effectively deter our peer nuclear adversaries like China and Russia in the future.”

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