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Russia’s US Ambassador Warns: Stupid Comments by US May Trigger a Desperate Zelensky

April 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—The US State Department, instead of calling out the Kiev regime for launching attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power, blamed Russia. “You have heard from us before our belief that Russia is playing a very dangerous game with its military seizure of Ukraine’s nuclear power plant, which is the largest in Europe,” spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters yesterday. “It’s dangerous that they’ve done that, and we continue to call on Russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plant, to return full control of the plant to the competent Ukrainian authorities, and refrain from taking any actions that could result in a nuclear incident at the plant.”

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov shot back: “Even nuclear terrorism is perceived here in Washington as a good thing if it is directed against the Russian Federation. Encouraging Zelensky’s criminal regime is similar to walking on thin ice. Irresponsible Kiev’s attacks threaten a radiation disaster. Such actions undermine global security…. ‘Project Ukraine,’ aimed at an illusory attempt to inflict strategic damage to Russia, has failed,” he concluded. Then, of particular note, he added: “It is extremely important to prevent a situation when Zelensky, in his agony, provokes a radiation disaster.”