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State Department Still ‘Assessing’ Whether Israel Bombed Iran's Consulate in Damascus

April 17, 2024 (EIRNS)—The State Department’s unfortunate spokesman Matthew Miller still hasn’t been able to say whether the Iranian facility that Israel bombed in Damascus on April 1 was actually a consulate or not. Such a difficult question to answer! State was so quick to determine—within 24 hours—that ISIS-K was responsible for bombing Moscow’s Crocus City Hall concert venue on March 22, but two weeks after the fact, it is still “continuing to look at it,” Miller said at the April 16 State Department briefing.

“Well, how long is this going to take?” a reporter asked. “I can’t answer that question. I don’t have a timetable,” Miller replied. “We need to gather enough information that will allow us to make an actual determination.” He insisted the U.S. has ways to get the information even though it doesn’t have diplomats on the ground in Syria. “We have intelligence capabilities obviously, and we’re continuing to gather information, but we’ve not yet been able to make a determination. It’s something that is taking a bit more time to determine.”

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